Plan & Renderings

Conceptual Design Package and Renderings by Marciano/Matthew/Munroe in association with Jamarhl Crawford.


Browse the Conceptual Design Package below or download the Plan PDF.



1 thought on “Plan & Renderings”

  1. Love the spacial flow of the design. I also appreciate that the space involves plastic, spoken, and movement art. This certainly encourages an intergenerational as well as diverse population. And the focus and concern for rapid transit, bike and pedestrian accessibility is very encouraging: more bike racks, walkways and bus stops; fewer parking lots.

    My only concern is the proximity of the performance space to the skate park. If there’s a back wall that acts as a border between the skate park and the street, the ambient sound could bounce off of it and overpower the performance space. If you haven’t addressed this already, maybe there could be sound absorbing material that is built into a barrier between the skate park and the performance area. If this can happen, the skate park and performance area can be in operation simultaneously.

    That’s my only concern. Nice work!

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